Best Dressed Lie (The Lies Series) Read online

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  She’d ended up here and somehow she’d stayed. Ted had been her first chance at marrying well but it hadn’t worked out. Then Jake had come along. She’d done everything she could to make sure that she was the perfect woman. She hadn’t been demanding, had played it cool, and had fucked him senseless whenever he wanted her to.

  When he’d come to her that night wanting an alibi, she’d known that was it. Home run.

  And now the end was in sight. Soon, she would have that damned ring on her finger and people would stop looking down their noses at her. She might even go back and find her mother and buy her a new trailer. She laughed out loud at that thought, drawing glances from the other mourners. Jeez, relax people!

  Filling her plate with food, she looked around the room as she ate. God, there was so much money in this room! And soon she would be one of them. She only just managed to suppress her grin at this thought. She could see the sideways glances now from people wondering what on earth she was doing here. More than a couple, she knew, were wondering if their wives or girlfriends were going to get a nasty shock.

  Spotting Jamie standing alone by one of the room’s many windows looking lost, she made her way over to her.

  “How you doing? You okay?”

  Jamie looked confused for moment, her eyes unfocused.

  “Sorry, I was miles away.” She smiled weakly. “I’m okay. Thank you for asking. I was just thinking about how unfair it is that such a good man should die so young.”

  “Um. Yeah.” If she only knew what kind of a man he really was! “So they still don’t know anything, huh?” She knew the answer but she had to ask.

  “No, nothing.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she wrung her hands. “Our whole future, snatched away, and I still don’t know why!”

  “What did you say to her?” The question made her jump. She hadn’t heard Jake approach. “Has she upset you?” He put his arm around his sister, pulling her slightly away from Carrie.

  Of course it had to be her fault! “No, I didn’t!”

  He just glared at her.

  “She was being really nice, actually.” Jamie sniffed, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. “Saying what a nice man he was.”

  I was?

  “Well, that surprises me, actually. I didn’t think you and Ted got along that well.” He looked at her quizzically. “When I saw you at the party, it looked like the two of you had been fighting, remember?”

  “Why were you fighting?” Jamie was looking at her also now and she felt like a rabbit caught in headlights.

  “Really, it was nothing.” She tried to pass it off. “Look, I’d better go. I’ve got to work later and I need to go home and get ready. Will you drop me off?” she asked Jake.

  “I don’t really want to leave Jamie. Can you make your own way back?”

  “I didn’t drive, you know that,” she hissed back. She’s in a room full of people fawning over her she’ll be fine, is what she actually wanted to say but that would be rude.

  “No, go. Take her home. I’ll be fine.” Jamie smiled at him.

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure. Go.”


  They hardly spoke in the car on the way home. Jake could feel the pressure of the last few days starting to lift from his shoulders. For the first time in weeks, he actually felt that everything was going to be okay. He knew that the respite would be brief and that once he told his parents of his plans to marry Carrie he was heading for a shit storm, but for now he was going to enjoy it.

  He hadn’t felt like sex for days, but looking over at Carrie sitting in the car next to him, he felt himself stir. He had to admit, she looked good. She was wearing a simple black shift dress that had ridden up her thighs in the car and exposed her long, tanned legs. Reaching over, he placed a hand on her knee and squeezed.

  “Sorry.” He knew he had a bit of making up to do. “I know I’ve been a bit of a prick lately.”

  “Yeah. You have.” She crossed her arms over her chest but made no attempt to remove his hand. “It’s about time you started being a bit nicer to me.”

  “I know. I’ve just had such a lot on my mind.”

  “I’m beginning to think that you don’t really want to marry me.”

  “Of course I do, honey. It’s just that we need to pick our moment. It’s too soon.”

  “Too soon for who, I wonder.” Bitterness dripped from her every word.

  “Come on, don’t be like that.” He ran his hand further up the inside of her thigh, eliciting a raised eyebrow.

  “Really? Nothing for days and you pick now?”

  “Are you complaining?” He was getting aroused now as his fingers reached her panties, his cock stiffening in his pants.

  She didn’t answer so he looked over. She had her eyes closed and a little smile of pleasure on her lips.

  Knowing he didn’t want to wait, he turned down the next dirt road. He drove on until he was sure they couldn’t be seen from the road and stopped the car. Getting out he walked round to the passenger side to where Carrie already opened the door and pulled her to her feet.

  Slamming the door shut, he pressed her up against it, his body hot and hard against hers. Pushing his fingers into her hair, he gripped the back of her head with one hand and pressed his mouth to hers, exploring it with his tongue.

  Her hands were already reaching for his belt buckle and he felt her reach inside his shorts and grab his cock, squeezing it tightly. With a groan, he took her by the hand and led her to the trunk of the car.

  Reaching down he found the hem of her dress and lifted it to her hips, exposing her thong. Tugging it down roughly, he lifted her up and put her on the car. Leaning back, she opened her legs wide, exposing herself to him. He could see that she was already wet. She wanted this as much as he did.

  Kneeling in the dirt, he pulled her ass toward him and buried his face between her legs, holding her firm as she cried out and wriggled against him as he licked and sucked at her pussy.

  It was too much, all the pent up frustration and tension of the last few days was bursting to get out. He stood, pulled her down from the car and turned her around, bending her over the car. Without a word, he took his cock in his hand and pressed it into her, feeling her tighten around him, welcoming him. Panting, he drove his cock deep inside her, getting closer to the edge with every stroke. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to wait for her. He didn’t even bother trying. He felt himself carried away by the orgasm as it ripped through him.

  Chapter Twelve

  He was not looking forward to this at all. It had only been a week since the funeral, but Carrie was getting increasingly upset and he knew that if he didn’t speak to his parents soon she was likely to shoot her mouth off. He’d told them he had something important to talk to them about and they were both now standing in the living room of the house waiting for them.

  “Seriously, Carrie, do you have to be here? Why can’t I talk to them by myself?” He just knew that it was going to make it so much harder with her here.

  “Because I know what you’re like and I want to make sure that you don’t back down.”

  “I won’t. I just think it would be better coming from me. On my own.”

  “Better coming from you? Jeez! You sound like you’re going to give them bad news! You’re telling them you’re getting married. Any normal parents would be happy for you.”

  “It’s not as simple as that and you know it.” She knew how his parents felt about her, why did she have to make it so difficult?

  Before she could answer, the door opened and his father walked in with his mother just behind. She pulled up short when she saw Carrie.

  “What is she doing here?”

  “This involves her, Mom.”

  “Well, get on with it then. We haven’t got all day, you know,” his father barked at him.

  Jake cleared his throat, trying to think of the best way to put it. However he said it, he knew that it wouldn’t be well received. Carrie
was looking at him with an exasperated expression on her face.

  “For god’s sake, will you just tell them?”

  “Okay, okay.” Oh well, here goes. “I’ve asked Carrie to marry me.”

  The silence that followed was so long he thought that maybe he hadn’t actually spoken out loud. He was just about to repeat himself when his mother spoke.

  “I really hope this is some kind of sick joke.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s true. We’re getting married.”

  His father still hadn’t said a word.


  “Is she pregnant?” he asked him, not even looking at Carrie.

  Carrie threaded her arm through his. “No, I’m not pregnant.”

  “If she’s not pregnant, what’s the rush, for god’s sake?” his mom snapped. “Can’t you at least wait until Jamie’s had a few months to grieve before you hit her with this?”


  She’d had enough of this. It was about time someone told Jake’s parents how it was going to be and it clearly wasn’t going to be him. “Why should we wait? Ted’s dead and buried.”

  Jake parents looked at her with distaste. “Jake, I think you should take some time. Make sure this is the right thing to do,” his mom said desperately. “And I know you don’t want to hurt your sister. Hearing new like this right now will be devastating for her.”

  That was the last straw. “For god’s sake! He was only marrying her for her money anyway. It wasn’t the love of the fucking century or anything!” She couldn’t help herself. “Probably did her a favor him getting himself killed!”

  They all turned then at the sound of a loud gasp coming from the doorway. Jamie stood there with her hands raised to her mouth, her eyes wide in shock.

  “How dare you say such a thing! It’s not true!” she screamed at Carrie, hands now clenched into fists at her side.

  “It is true,” Carrie sneered. “His whole family is broke. You were going to be the golden goose that got them out of the mess they’re in.”

  Jamie launched herself across the room at her then, hands grabbing for her hair and face. Reacting quickly, Jake grabbed Jamie by the waist and held her, arms and legs flailing, preventing her from reaching her target.

  “Calm down, she didn’t mean it,” he said to her, trying to keep her under control, glaring across the room at Carrie.

  “Take your fiancée and get her out of here. Now,” barked his father and, for once, Jake agreed with him. Gingerly letting go of Jamie, pausing to make sure she wasn’t about to fly at Carrie again, he took Carrie by the arm and pulled her out of the room.

  “What the fuck do you think you were doing in there?” he hissed as he pulled her out the front door and to the car.

  “Shit. Sorry. They just got under my skin, treating me like I’m dirt and going on about Saint Jamie.” She slammed the passenger door shut, turning to him. “It’s not fair. They can’t even be happy for us.”

  Jake didn’t say a word as he started the car. He wasn’t even happy for himself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She was struggling to hold the tears back as she drove. It couldn’t be true could it? She had to find out. She couldn’t go and ask Ted’s parents. They were grieving, too. It would be unforgiveable to go storming in there asking intensely private questions, especially if everything Carrie had said was a lie. No, she had to go back to the horse’s mouth and see Carrie, but this time alone.

  She’d had to wait all day until Jake had come home, wanting to make sure he was out of the way before she left, and then she’d had to sneak out without being seen. These days, her parents hardly let her out of their sight and they would undoubtedly question where she was going if they saw her.

  Pulling up and parking out back, Jamie checked her face in the mirror in her car. The tears had dried, leaving her face blotchy and her eyes puffy. At least I’m not crying any more, she thought to herself as she climbed the stairs and knocked on Carrie’s apartment door. She’d already checked at the diner and been told that today was her day off so she was hoping to catch her at home.

  She was rewarded by the sound of locks turning and the door being opened.

  “Oh. It’s you.”

  “Can I come in?” Judging from her face, Jamie was clearly the last person she’d been expecting to knock at her door.

  “I suppose so,” she replied, pulling the door open wider so that Jamie could come inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Or do I even need to ask?” she said, sitting down on the couch.

  “May I?” Jamie asked. She didn’t really want to sit but her legs were a bit wobbly and she didn’t want to collapse in a heap in front of this woman.

  Carrie nodded. “So?”

  Jamie took a deep breath. “I want you to tell me more about what you said yesterday. I need to know if it’s true.”

  “It’s true, alright. Why would I lie?”

  “To hurt me, though god knows what I’ve ever done to you.”

  “Here we go again. It’s always got to be all about you, hasn’t it? Princess Jamie,” Carrie snarled. “Well, guess what? This time it’s not all about you. It’s about me and Jake, our future, and I’m sick of everything being on hold because of you.”

  Jamie was taken aback at the hostility coming from her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

  “You really don’t see it, do you? First Ted and now Jake. You always have to come first.”

  “Ted? Of course I came first with Ted, why on earth would that affect you?” Jamie looked at her quizzically.

  It dawned on her that she’d pushed too far, but it was too late. She knew that she was not going to enjoy what was coming next.

  “Because even when I was sleeping with him, I had to hear about you all the goddamn time. About how important his damn wedding to you was for his whole family.”

  The room started to go out of focus then and she felt the black hole that had been threatening her since Ted had been killed engulf her.

  “What do you mean when you were sleeping with him?” She had no idea how she’d managed to speak, let alone keep her voice so calm.

  Carrie looked at her as if she were stupid. “Like I told you already, he was marrying you because he had to but he wasn’t about to go without, was he? We had a lot of fun, him and I. He was a great fuck.”

  She didn’t know how, but somehow she made it to Carrie’s bathroom just in time, throwing up in the toilet until she was empty. Shaking, she stayed on the floor, leaning her back against the bathroom wall. What on earth did Jake see in this woman? She’d come here for answers and she’d gotten a lot more than she bargained for.

  Once she was sure she wasn’t going to throw up again, she pushed herself to her feet. I need to get out of here. Throwing open the bathroom door she pushed past Carrie who was standing just outside and, on unsteady legs, left the apartment, slamming the door behind her.


  Fuck! She stood for a moment watching the door after she’d gone, as if expecting her to suddenly come back but it remained firmly closed.

  Fuck! What had she done! Grabbing her cell from the kitchen counter she quickly dialed Jake’s number.

  Come on! Pick up! she urged, as it rang and rang. Finally, just as she was about to put it down and try again, he answered.

  “Jamie’s been here,” she said before he had a chance to say anything.

  “What? What for?” Jake said, sounding shaken.

  “Well, I didn’t invite her!” she shouted. “She wanted to know about Ted, about what I said yesterday.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “The truth. That he wanted her for her money.”

  “You stupid bitch! That’s all we fucking need. It’s bad enough I have to marry you without getting my parents pissed.” She could hear him take a deep breath. “My father is not beyond cutting me off completely if I marry you. He’s gonna take a lot of convincing not to as it is, and I doubt that’s what
you want, is it?”

  Of course it wasn’t. The whole point of going through with this was so that she could be rich. There wouldn’t be much point if he got cut off.

  “Of course it’s not. You’ve got to stop her. She’s on her way to see your parents.”

  “How much does she know? Does she know about me?” The panic was oozing into his every word.

  “No, just Ted. Everything about Ted.”

  “Please tell me she doesn’t know about you two?”

  “I’m sorry. It just slipped out!”

  Everything was going wrong. She could see her bright, rich future slipping away.

  “We’ve got to stop her before she gets home. Talk to her, try and get her to see sense.”

  “Right. You stay where you are and I’ll go and meet her. She’ll listen to me.” The silence in her ear told her that he’d put the phone down without waiting for a reply.

  She couldn’t just sit here and wait. That stupid bitch was not going to ruin the best chance she’d ever had at having a decent future. She could catch up with them and maybe help Jake talk some sense into her. Grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter, she ran out the door.


  His thoughts were falling over themselves as he raced down the driveway. It was all getting horribly out of hand. He’d never meant to hurt Ted. It wasn’t like he was a killer. All he’d ever wanted was to be treated the same as Jamie. If his asshole of a father hadn’t fired him, none of this would have happened. Now he was stuck, engaged to a woman he didn’t want to marry but would because she could get him locked away for life and with a sister running around like a loose cannon, very possibly about to ruin everything.

  His whole life was unravelling before his eyes. If he could just get to Jamie, stop her from coming between him and Carrie, then the secret would stay buried. It would all pass with time and no one would be any the wiser.

  He couldn’t be cut off. He’d earned a big payday after putting up with all the years of crap his dad had dished out. He wouldn’t end up with nothing. He couldn’t let that happen.